Okay, I'll start off by saying SOOOOOO SORRY it's taken me forever to post anything on here. I've actually got a whole bunch of drafts on the go from the last few months, but my camera's been broken and I haven't been able to post pictures. So FINALLY I have a new camera and things will be on a roll here.
On the may long weekend Makenna went camping with Daddy and I went to Vancouver with the other two. Makenna caught her very 1st fish! I bet it was the cutest moment ever. I'm sorry I missed it. However, I got to see a totally precious moment when we were in Vancouver. JP got to visit the ocean for the 1st time (that he can remember) and it was so adorable. He was facinated by EVERYTHING on the beach. We came home with quite the collection. Unfortunately I hadn't bought the new camera yet, and missed taking pictures at the beach.
Our visit to a Sushi Restaurant was quite interesting too. JP lost his tooth! Uncle Jonas loosened it with chopsticks and then JP pulled it out.
We also were givin some live crabs to play with at the table. That was cool too. JP is such a sushi boy!