Much has happened since my last blog. As you all probably know anyway.... I'M PREGNANT!! AND..... IT'S A BOY!!! Woooo hoooo! We are super excited. I also feel complete. Satisfied is a better word maybe. I am truly ready to shut down the baby factory after this one arrives. Steve and I will both be getting fixed (whether he likes it or not) because I figure if I have to do it, then he has to too. We have decided on the name Koen William Burrows (i'm pretty sure). If we find the "ultimate" name then it will change of course, but for now Koen is the only name we both have agreed on. He is due to arrive April 1st or so.
What else has happened since my last entry in July? Hmmmm...
We went to Mica Dam in Revelstoke, and went to Vancouver again in August. It was a very enjoyable vacation!
Oh and the kids all went back to school in September. That was exciting. They all have GREAT teachers (hooray!) and Makenna is doing a fantastic job in kindergarten. They're all doing well actually! JP is a great reader/speller and Mayanne is a great reader/writer.
Halloween of course was a blast as always. I absolutely love dressing all my babies up. Mayanne was a "geeky" version of herself,