Happy Birthday My Love!
Here's all the things I love about my husband:
He loves me unconditionally
He's a hottie
He laughs a my jokes, my crazy songs and dances
He is a great best friend and a good listener
He's a good dad
He enjoys talking to me about everything, and I like talking to him
He's got a very warm heart
He writes good love notes
He tells me he loves me at least twice a day
He's a good Doggy dad to Razz and he picks up poo
He mows the lawn and takes out the garbage and recycling
He always makes sure the house is vaccuumed and the floors are washed
He drives the car whenever possible. I hate driving!
He is witty... and there are so many more wonderful things about him!
Love you Spanky! Happy 28th birthday! You're the absolute best!
Happy Birthday Steve!
I miss you guys!
Say Hi to the kids for me, they are just as cute as ever. They are getting so big. HI JEN! Well keep in touch guys. Love you all
Love Amy
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