We went on family vacation at the end of August, and it was SOOOOO much fun! The 1st really cool thing we saw was the huge truck in Sparwood BC. The kids were totally thrilled and took tons of pictures on their disposable cameras. Steve of course didn't obey the rules and just had to climb up on one of the giant tires for a photo.
Our next stop was Frank Slide. I cannot believe how unpredictable and powerful mother nature can be! The kids weren't overly thrilled with that stop, but Steve and I found it to be rather interesting.
After that it was on to Drumheller! Wooooo, that was so much fun. We stayed at a really nice campground.
The bathrooms were clean, there were showers and a heated pool. All for $26 a nite, I was very happy!
We spent 2 days in Drumheller and went to The Royal Tyrell Museum, Reptile World, Mini Golfed, saw the worlds biggest dinosaur and the kids got to go on a suspension bridge for the 1st time. 
Makenna was terrified of the bridge. Know what's funny? She was terrified of the bridge, but was the 1st to volunteer to hold a giant snake at reptile world!
I don't get it.

After our super fun time in drumheller, we were on to Edmonton. West Edmonton mall was soooooooooo much fun! Well, the whole trip was fun, but West Ed was definitely the highlight. EXPENSIVE, but great. We spent 10 hours at galaxyland.
I went on the mindbender all by myself over and over again. Steve is a chicken, he wouldn't go on. Mayanne loved the swing ride, JP loved the kids rollercoaster (actually pretty big for a kids one), and Makenna of course wouldn't get off the carousel (she LOVES horses).
The next day we went back to West Ed Mall and went mini golfing again and then hit the waterpark. The waterpark was fun, however I don't think i'd take the kids again until they're almost teenagers. The Waterpark accomodates little little kids and big big kids. The in between kids don't really have much to do there. Also, they don't allow life jackets in the wave pool, and no life jackets on the slides. Seems ridiculous to me. LIFE jacket, seems pretty important. I just don't understand the logic behind that rule.

Anyway, after swimming we were off to make our way to Mica Dam (Revelstoke area). It was a bit of a last minute decision, but the whole trip was made of last minute decisions. We didn't go with a schedule. It was a "lets go and see where we end up" trip. My dad works at Mica Dam and had been asking us for years and years if we'd come see it. So, we said "hell why not?" LET'S GO! Making our way there was tiresome. It was an "are we there yet? are we there yet?" type of adventure. But, we had fun. It took us a day and a half to get there. We had originally intended on driving from Edmonton to ummm... not sure. I forget. Anyway, when we got to the place we were intending on staying the nite at, we realized that town was WAY out of our price league. So we drove and drove and drove into the dark night until we got to Golden. We stayed in a nice hotel there (not to pricey though) and got on the road to revelstoke 1st thing in the morning.
When we arrived in Revelstoke we decided to take a little tour of the town.
It's really really nice there. We went to the Railway Museum which was really neat.

We got to Mica Dam finally and let me tell you I was in awe. What a beautiful place to live.
My dad works there with about 50 or so other people. It's a camp type setting.
My dad is SPOILED there. There's really nothing to do there (in the middle of nowhere), but the silence and beauty of the overall atmosphere is priceless. We loved it and will definitely go back to visit again.

We stopped at the Enchanted Forest just outside of Sicamous on the way home. It was so cute.
Steve was exhausted though, so he slept in the car while the kids and I made our way through the forest. We loved it. All of our favorite storey book characters were there! 

Anyway, our vacation was great! I would have posted ALL our pictures, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do a proper layout on the blogger thing. I'm still new at it. Hopefully I'll figure it out and have a nice looking blog sometime.
Yay, another blog to read.
Looks like you guys had a great time on yur trip.
I can't wait to see more photo's of the fam!!
Nice to see your photo's, looks like you guys had lots of fun.
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