Geez, my baby girl is 4 already. Shes growing up way too fast. Like all parents seem to say, "it was yesterday when she way born". I remember it so clearly. I decided to go for a walk on November 18th with the other 2 kids. 1/2 way through my walk I started thinking "geez, I'm gonna get diarrhea". My stomach was killing me, so I walked to steve's work and asked to use the bathroom. No poop, just really bad tummy cramps. I was in total denial of being in labour and just told steve to finish his day at work. When he got home my stomach cramping was now coming in waves, and believe it or not, I was STILL in denial. It was MY THIRD CHILD, and I refused to believe I was in labour. So dumb.
Well around 7 pm I said, "alright I'm in labour, lets go to the hospital". So we went, the nurse said I was in labour for sure, but was not yet dialated, so I went home. I only lasted until about 9:30 pm at home and I told Steve I HAD to go back. The pain got pretty intense. Well, I was dialated to around 5 cm's which was good enough for them to keep me at the hospital. ALL NIGHT LONG I had horrible contractions every 3 minutes or so. Poor poor Steve. He was exhausted from working all day, and fell asleep in between each contraction (so did i). Dr. Sebastian broke my water at around 7am (I was so mad at him because I knew it'd make the pain way worse), and at 8 am on November 19th 2002, out came Makenna!! It was a epidural free delivery, the best way to go I'd say. The 1st two kids were epidural deliveries, and it just made it way to hard to push. My body literally heaved Makenna out.
Anyway, HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY MAKENNA! We love you so much.

Anyway, HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY MAKENNA! We love you so much.

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